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Show open to view from around 10am to 4pm
Bus services running from 10-4 approx every 20 minutes in town and out to Ampthill and Toddington. Free service but tips are very welcome to cover fuel cost, find tip pot on buses
On day visitors are advised to use buses where possible with parking at RUFUS CENTER, off station road and Tesco available.
If on the day you decide to bring vehicle to show, be advised non pre booked will be places further outside Center if no room.
Toilets located at village hall, Flitwick lower school, Tesco, Swan public house, Bumblebee and Crown.
No dangerous driving or antisocial behaviour will be tolerated, you will be removed and banned from future events
No BBQ’s allowed.
Food and drink available from
Swan public house
Bumblebee public house
Crown public house
Cafe latte on high street
Lounge next to Tesco
Vendors and flitwick lower
And street food hero’s stalls in park
Please us bins provided for all waste
Stalls inside village hall
Please drop few coins In charity buckets if you take selfie’s with any of the show car specials
Voting for your favourite vehicles will be available from10.30 till 13.00 txt car and registration to 07368117032 or bike to 07368117032.
Both are public choice awards
Award presentation will take place in front of food court at13.15
First aiders will be roaming the sites to cover all areas and are in direct radio contact with Marshall’s who will have hi viz to help located, alternatively call show number to get assistance or 999 in emergency.